A Brief Knowledge Of Pontianak City

Pontianak is the capital of the Indonesia province of West Kalimantan. It is a medium-size industrial city on the island of Borneo, among Indonesian, Borneo Island is called Pulau Kalimantan. Pontianak occupies an area of 107.82 km² in the delta of the Kapuas River, at approximately 1143 km, the longest river in Indonesia and the 138th-longest river in the World by length. It is located precisely on the equator, hence widely known as Kota Khatulistiwa (Equator City).

The city was formerly the capital of the independent Sultanate of Pontianak and was founded in 1772 around an old trading station on the Borneo coast. It is built on swampy ground that is subjected to regular flooding by the river, requiring buildings to be constructed on piles to keep them off the ground. It has its name due to the story that the founder had seen appearance of Kuntilanak ghost at the place to be built for the palace, which he fought to save the people.